We Are New Hope Girls
We stand at the intersection of deep pain and true promise, On the front lines where girls who were once statistics,
Become our sisters, become our daughters. We are advocates, counselors, mothers, and warriors—we exist for them.
In the trenches, we embrace their scars and stories.
Choosing to run, fight, and reach out,
For rescue, refuge, and restoration.
Driven by justice, fueled by urgency. We walk alongside them as they reclaim their purpose,
Celebrating redemption, nurturing dreams.
We show them their worth can move mountains,
As we live out our conviction: Every girl is Created For More.
This is Our Story
A leap of faith. A fight for justice.
An offering of hope.
When I first came to the Dominican Republic as an educational trainer in 2004, I thought I’d only be here for one year. Turns out, God had much bigger plans! He was calling my family to stay. But as we settled into life here, I found myself struggling, wondering what He was calling us to do.
Then, a horrible incident in our community rattled our world.
A 37-year-old man attacked and raped a young girl.
It was a tragedy I’d never wish on anyone. And yet, instead of supporting her, everyone in the community turned against her in a storm of gossip, blaming this child for breaking up a marriage.
A fire ignited within me. I was enraged. Stunned. Something had to be done about this injustice!
I had a heart-to-heart with God. "What are you going to do about this?! Where are you?"
Then I felt Him say, "I choose you."
At first, I argued. Me? I'm the least qualified person for this. I've got nothing.
Then God reminded me—He's got everything.

A Leap of Faith
Unsure about where He was leading, I stepped into the murky waters of the unknown. As a former teacher, my first idea was to start a girls' school. I thought that was the answer. But as I dug deeper into the issues these girls were facing, I realized they needed much more than education. They needed a safe haven to heal and be reminded of who they were.
You see, in the DR, girls often fall into an abyss. The existing programs send them out into the world right at their most vulnerable point—when they are transitioning from childhood to adolescence. Girls might receive some education, but many don’t make it past 15 without being married, pregnant, abused, exploited, or completely disappearing.
Something different needed to be done to give these girls new hope for their future. So we started to develop a holistic approach that offered prevention and restoration to the most vulnerable girls in the DR. This response birthed what is now known as New Hope Girls.

A Fight for Justice
Since we began, we’ve realized that the problem is much bigger than we realized. The battle against injustice is intense.
But it's exactly where God wants us to be—in over our heads, relying completely on Him.
Something different needed to be done to give these girls new hope for their future.
So we started to develop a holistic approach that offered prevention and restoration to the most vulnerable girls in the DR. This response birthed what is now known as New Hope Girls.
- That can mean following God into brothels to rescue girls.
- That means standing up for injustice to see abusers convicted.
- That means starting a business to give mothers the economic means to escape poverty and prevent having to sell themselves or their children when they feel like they have nowhere else to turn.
Whatever it may be, in moments of desperation and prayer, God keeps providing in miraculous ways.
As our journey continues today, we’re on a mission to help vulnerable girls in the Dominican Republic find hope, healing, and a future. We're breaking the cycle of poverty, abuse, and exploitation. We're creating jobs for women and safe spaces for girls where they can find a new identity and realize they are loved deeply and created for more.
An Offering of Hope
Imagine a world where every girl knows her worth and has the tools and support to build a bright future. That's the world we want to create through New Hope Girls.
It's not just about changing individual lives—it's about transforming entire communities.
This journey has taught us that when God calls you, He doesn't always give you a roadmap. Sometimes, He just asks you to take the first step. And with each step, He reveals more of the path and more of His heart.

On this journey, I've often felt God say, "You don't have to know, you just have to go."
When you feel called to make a difference, but you're not sure how—know that's exactly where I started.
Along the way, I've learned that it's not always about what you bring to the table. It's about being willing to say "yes" to God's call and then watching Him do what feels impossible.
Together, we can create a world where every girl has the chance to thrive, to dream, and to become all that God created her to be—Created For More.
Full of Hope,
Joy Reyes
Founder & Executive Director
New Hope Girls Values
The Heartbeat of Our Mission
We exist to fight abuse, exploitation, and trafficking by providing rescue, refuge, restoration, and empowerment to young girls and adult women in the Dominican

For every girl and every woman to grasp her untouchable worth and step into all she was created to be.