Today is the day of Salvation
I was on my way to bed finishing up the book by H.A. Baker—Visions behind the Veil, when I began to pray for peace to rest without fear, having just read stories of hell and the lake of fire. As I prayed, I felt God show me the face of one of our moms and speak to me clearly, “Tomorrow is the day of salvation in Moi’s house.” I got up and wrote it in my agenda and prayed for Moi and her family.
The following day I got busy with my to-do list and as I stared at the memo on my list –“pray with Moi,” I began to reason. I was planning on working from Santiago and not heading into La Vega this day. I will be going tomorrow, perhaps I could pray with her then-- gas is over $6 a gallon. As I reasoned away God’s word to me I felt him press me, “TODAY is the day of salvation in Moi’s house.”
I called Greici and told her of the call for the day…She knows me by now, doesn’t think I’m crazy anymore. I asked her to pray in preparation and be ready because I only had 1 hours and 20 minutes. I flew to La Vega and knocked on the door to the school calling for Greici. I dared not even enter the school, knowing I would be sucked in and never get to Moi’s house.
As Greici came out I noticed Moi sitting in the pathway, she made eye contact and motioned to us to come. “Hey, she called—I need to talk to you.” “Oh, good—I need to talk to you too”, I called back. When we arrived she began to tell about her need for water and wire to fix the power she had been three weeks without. I prayed a silent prayer, “Lord, give me an opening to share with her”. Before my prayer was even finished, Moi lifted her hands to the sky, closed her eyes and began to pray out loud. “Thank you God, Thank you God, Thank you God.” Tears were now streaming down her face and she continued in an intimate prayer sitting in the middle of the path. She concluded by saying, “OK, now I see, you sent them here to pray with me.” Greici and I just looked at each other in awe.
Moi, began to tell us a story of being stabbed when she was pregnant and while laying in bed in the hospital she saw death and it was near to her. Then some ladies came and sang over her and she felt death, in that moment, lost its grip on her and she was healed. As she finished her story she looked at me in the eye and asked, “He saved me that day, right?”
I looked her straight in the eye and replied, “On that day he saved your body, but today he wants to save your soul.” I told her how I couldn’t sleep the night before and how God had told me that today was the day of salvation in her house. She looked at me curiously and then Greici took off in a gospel presentation finally asking Moi if she wanted to pray to give her life to God asking Jesus to save her soul. “Oh, yes!” She cried “Oh, Yes—Yo quierro recibir el senor.” We entered into her house and prayed with her as she wept, we blessed her house, children and then stood in sweet silence until Moi opened her eyes and quietly proclaimed. “He Loves me, Oh how He loves Me. He really loves me!”
"Yes, He loves you! I love you too", I said with a full kiss on her cheek. She grabbed her cheek in awe.