Nueva Esperanza- New Hope

I wasn’t prepared for it to be so emotional. I wasn’t prepared for the knot in my throat. I just kept thinking, Thank you. Thank you Jesus for asking me. Thank you for letting me bear witness to your transforming power filling the broken hearted with your light and love. IMG_1420

It’s been messy, at times a war zone. But we know who has the victory!


You have whispered in our ear, if I am for you—who then can be against you!


You promised that you see every tear and answer the cry of the oppressed.


Crying out reminds us of our dependence.


Weeping leads us to reconnect with God.


Our tears are sacred. They water the ground around our feet so that new things can grow.


The grace that has been extended to you when you were at your lowest- Extend it to others. The thing that has happened to you—go make it happen for others.


We now have this light shining in our hearts. God is calling us to be God colors to the world. Shine!


Don’t worry God does not embarrass His children. He puts his treasure in fragile clay jars to make it clear our great power is from Him.

Rest, my friend in your brokenness, boast in your weakness, because light can only get into the broken things.

 "Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too may live a NEW LIFE!-- So you too consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus"--Rom. 6