Mustard seed sized faith.

What year it has been for Nueva Esperanza—New Hope Girls Inc.  The only appropriate response is to shout at the top of our lungs, “Look what the Lord has done!”

Every little face we touch, each notebook that is written in, the desks we sit at, the meals we serve, the beds we make, the wounds we bandage both physical and emotional—it was all still a dream in January of 2011 and here we are looking back in awe, just as we knew we would, to say, “Look what the Lord has done!”

Every morning we sing with our girls my favorite song.  If we have faith just the size of a mustard seed…we can say to the mountain, “MOVE!”  Every day we declare this truth in our lives as we loudly and confidently point to the hillside, a concrete symbol of all the mountains we face, and tell it to “Move.”

We have been privileged to see God move countless mountains of impossible finances, need, pain, hurts and sorrow.  We have seen Him create beauty from the ashes and plant seeds of hope in the lives of those we serve-- the most vulnerable and often forgotten...widows and orphans, women and girls.  We have seen hope also grow in the lives of those who serve.  We are all forever changed!

Sometimes it’s hard to perceive growth in even the fastest of growing plants, but as we sit and reflect on the seeds planted long ago we are delighted!

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Matthew 17:20