Marathon for New Hope
It was fun for me to hear from my dear friend Amy McDevitt Maki the other day. She is training for her first marathon and wants to use it as a tool to help and inspire others.
- I have been a jogger/hiker/biker/skier my whole life, but I've never run a marathon. Now that I am closing in on 40 years old, I decided it was time to take on this challenge. I have been training a lot, going on long runs every weekend, and taking time away from my family, which is hard on all of us. I just completed my fifth 20 mile run, and I'm finally feeling ready for the marathon that is now only three weeks away. A few weeks ago I started thinking about how I might be able to use my marathon to make a difference in the world, not just in my own life. One of the most worthy causes I know is a school that my friend, Joy Reyes started in the Dominican Republic. Joy and I taught together in West Linn years ago. Her path led her to the Dominican Republic where she has been for about seven years. She had been working at another school for children in a barrio near her home. She soon saw a great need in the community for a school that would support the unique needs of girls starting in about fifth grade. Joy recently opened the New Hope Girls Academy where some of the girls who are most at risk will have a safe place to live and learn. I have always been inspired and awed by the work Joy has done and her willingness to take her whole family (she now has four children) to live in a third world country to help kids who have needs far beyond what we can even imagine here in the states.Please join me in supporting Nueva Esperanza by making a donation at the following link to make PayPal donations or use your credit card.
My goal is to raise 100 dollars for every mile I run, for a total of $2,620. Every step I take on October 9th, I will be thinking of these girls and the great work that Joy is doing for them.
Thanks in advance for your support, Amy Maki
New Hope Girls Thanks you Amy for using your life for others! We will be with you in spirit on October 9th and we are believing that you will achieve all that you set out to do. If you reach your goal of $100 per mile you will be able to provide refuge and education for 2 girls for an entire year!