Celebrating Christmas | Serving & Loving BIG!

Each one had dug in deep to give sacrificially for this day. They stood up one after another and tearfully honored their team, showering them with words of gratitude and love. 

Together they created a feast of special festive foods and laughed until tears fell. This is my favorite kind of day when the tears of gratitude and love are mingled with tears of laughter and joy. 

I am so proud of the work being done in our workshop. They truly make beautiful bags and I’m grateful to each of you who chose to give the gift of hope this holiday season.

We pray our bags are received with the love that they were created with, as we work together to honor the stories of women and girls whose lives have been transformed and forever changed.  


There is still time to make your year end donation and support the work of rescue, refuge and restoration. As our family grows so do our monthly budgets and it is always with big faith that we step into more.

I give thanks to God for uniting us for this important work.  May he continue to expand our ability to give as you share our lives and resources with others.  

Thanks for helping us serve and Love Big!

With Hope,

Joy Reyes, Founder & Executive Director