A new little one joins us in the house…
Another widow, Miss E. came to see us the other day with her friend.
They came looking for a space for her daughter in our safe house. Greici and I went through our normal get the scoop interview process and we felt that something was off, we couldn’t put our finger on what, but we were united in our sense of caution and decided to wait. So we told Miss E. would need to talk with the rest of our team and pray before we could give her an answer.
Vidal had sat on the porch with the little girl while we visited with Miss E and her friend. As the three of them walked away Vidal was irritated with us. How could we say, “No”? We tried to explain that we were saying “wait” and not “yes” or “no”—but, he was upset and talked about it several times during the days it took for us to organize a team meeting.
While working through some other issues during our meeting, the topic of Vidal’s gift of discernment came up and we talked about the fact that when we heeded his warnings, they had the ability to save us so much grief. I instantly saw alarm on Greici’s face and she began to speak in half sentences…. The widow. The girl. Remember Vidal’s reaction?” She sent Delia to find the mom for a follow up visit so that we may better understand why we were having such a hard time finding unity on this case.
Delia was able to find out from neighbors that mom was prostituting in the capital and had taken the girl with her to work. Greici and I were beside ourselves with our hearts beating out of our chests in horror and remorse. “God protect her and God forgive us,” we prayed! We now understood our feeling of caution, we had sensed the lie-- that something was off. But we should have listened to the word of caution from Vidal. He had sensed urgency and danger and the strong need to intervene.
But God heard our prayers for this precious girl and we were able to locate Miss E and her daughter before they left for the capital. Greici was firm with Miss E asking what was going on demanding she tell the truth. Miss E confirmed her lifestyle and plan to take her daughter to the capital. She expressed a desire to protect her daughter from that kind of “work” but it was getting harder to keep her away. We gave her some time to organize her things and made plans to receive the girl on Wednesday.
Wednesday, Lilly and I went to pick her up, but we found the door locked. Our hearts sank. We went to the neighbor to help us find her and we were taken to a prostitute house nearby with five beautiful girls lounging on a bed taking a lunch break. I found Miss E and her daughter on the floor in the corner. When Miss E was asked to confirm her plans she stalled for a minute and then the little girl jumped up and grabbed my hand. “I am going with her,” she insisted and we left to find her bag of clothes that had been hidden by another neighbor so that she wouldn’t leave without us knowing. We scooped her up just in time!
God has constructed an incredible team. We depend on each other to protect, provide, guide and discern through these difficult situations. Lord, forgive us for not listening to your gentle voice within Vidal and THANK you for giving us another chance. You are faithful even when we are not. Your love and mercy never fail!
This is the newest little one to join us. We desperately need to find sponsors for her and all the girls to be able to provide all that we dream for them. Right now simply getting them fed has been a challenge, but we are trusting God to move hearts and mountians for their care and protection. Please consider a monthly scholarship.
Donate a Scholarship
It takes three monthly donors of $33 each to supply the total needed funds to educate a girl and provide her with a certified teacher, necessary school supplies, uniform, spiritual nurturing and discipleship, medical checkups, extracurricular experiences and life skills training. Consider a partial or complete monthly scholarship. If you prefer, you can make your monthly donation in one annual payment.
To provide a Partial Scholarship of $33.00 MONTHLY to support a girl– Click HERE!
To provide a Partial Scholarship of $66.00 MONTHLY to support a girl –Click HERE!
To provide a Full Scholarship of $99.00 MONTHLY to support a girl– Click HERE!